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Short Questions on Mountain Building

Short Questions on Mountain Building 1) In which book Kober described about Geosynclinal Theory? Answer : Kober has described about Geosyncline Theory on his book "Der Bau Der Erde". 2) What is Geosyncline? Answer : According to Kober, There were mobile zones of water in the places of present day mountains. He called this mobile zones of water as Geosynclines or orogen. 3) What is Kober's Geosyncline Theory based on? Answer : Kober's Geosyncline Theory is based on the forces of contraction produced by the cooling of the earth. 4) What was Kober's main objective in developing Geosyncline Theory? Answer : Kober's main objective was to establish relationship between ancient rigid masses or tabulanced and more mobile zones. 5) What is Kratogen? Answer : The geosynclines are long and wide mobile zones of water which are surrounded by some rigid masses which have been named as kratogen or forelands by Kober. 6) Name the stages through which process mount...

Map Projection : Concept of Map Projection

Map Projection : Concept of Map Projection

Definition of map projection

A map projection is the systematic representation of parallels and meridians of the globe over a plane surface.

The network of parallels and meridians is called a graticule.

 A map projection can also be said to be the transformation of the spherical network of parallels and meridians on a plane surface. It is a two-dimensional representation of the three dimensional global in per or in whole. 

In the process of transformation, it becomes necessary to take a convenient scale.

Classification of map projection

Map projection can be classified by adapting the constructional approach.

   On the basis of surface used for transferring the graticule, the projection are divided into -

  1. Zenithal Projection

  2. Conical Projection

  3. Cylindrical Projection

On the basis of certain important qualities map projection are divided into -

  1. Conformality or Orthomorphism projection

  2. Correct bearing or true direction projection.

  3. Equal area or equivalence or Homolographic projection.

  4. True scale or true distance projection.

On the basis of mathematical calculation map projection is divided into -

  1. Conventional Projection.


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